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Lipa Na Mpesa Users To Be Rewarded

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

cash loans

All Mpesa users using Lipa na Mpesa to do their shopping this December holidays will qualify to participate in the Safaricom's promotion dubbed 'Shinda a 3 bedroom house' .Each time you pay for items in a supermarket, Salon, Fuel refill just to mention a few, you get rewarded points to make you stand a chance to win various cash prizes or fortunately win the grand 3 bedroom house prize.

Lipa na mpesa
To use Lipa na Mpesa;
Select Mpesa menu.
Select Lipa na mpesa.
Select paybill.
Enter business no..
Enter amount.
Select okay /send
3 Houses Grand prize for 3 lucky winners.
Cash Prizes;
Ksh100,000 Weekly for 12 winners.
Ksh50,000 Weekly for 12 lucky winners.
Ksh10,000 Weekly for 60 winners.
Ksh1,000 Daily for 100 winners.
Airtime Prizes.
Ksh 500 Daily for 250 winners.
Ksh 250 Daily for 500 winners.
Ksh 100 Daily for 1000 winners.
Its automatic! Start using lipa na mpesa today and you are enrolled to participate in the promotion just like that.
Good luck.

Co-op Bank To Reward Its Facebook And Twitter Fans

Monday, December 14, 2015

Coopbank customer

The Cooperative Bank of Kenya will be rewarding it's social media fans through a campaign dubbed 'Co-op Holidays' this festive season. Following the announcement that KCB will reward it's customers last week,Coop Bank is following suit.This holiday campaign will run from 13th December 2015 to 7th January 2016.
Who is Eligible
The campaign is open to the bank's customers who are also fans of the bank's Facebook and twitter pages. 'See Terms and Conditions'.
The Coop bank will be rewarding customers who will use its services this holiday season including;Use of credit cards for shopping, internet banking, servicing or taking loans, Coop kwa jirani, mco-op cash or over the counter services.
There are various prizes to be won but the most emphasized are the holiday trips within kenya and outside. Coop bank has already entered into partnership with ATS Travel, an international travel management service provider to cater for the trips.
Winners will be selected and made public on the banks social media pages (Facebook &twitter).The bank will call the winners to inform them that they have won.
Happy Holiday 2015

Imarika Sacco - Together We Grow

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Imarika Sacco was initially known as Kilifi Teachers Cooperative Society but when its membership bursted out of 'teachers' and 'kilifi residents' target circle, its name changed to Imarika, a Swahili word meaning 'gain strength' or 'become stable'. Now its an international cooperative society and anyone can join. Call Head Office in Kilifi Town :041 7522572 or 041 7525017

Loan Products
Members are free to only submit monthly savings or even decide to bank other cash with Imarika.This leads to two loan products categories.
Back Office Service Activities (BOSA)loans are given to those clients who are purely providing membership savings only at imarika.BOSA long-term loans include ;Development loan, smart loan and karibu loan.BOSA medium term loans include ;Scholar plus loan and swift loan.BOSA short-term loans include ;emergency loan and school fees loan.
Front Office Service Activities (FOSA)loans are available to clients who apart from contributing the normal membership savings, they also bank with Imarika.
FOSA medium term loans include ;Development loan, scholar plus loan and ufanisi loan.
FOSA short term loans include ;emergency loan, school fees loan and imarika vijana loan.
FOSA salary advances include ;Prestige advance, ordinary advance,one month advance and advance top up.
I have decided to keep a lot of information like loan amounts repayment periods and interest rates because it's until when you are a member, you will know the rest.

Startup Financing In Kenya

Saturday, December 12, 2015

The Kenyan youths are drastically changing from chasing after jobs to chasing after funding to finance the taking off or growing of their start-ups businesses. It's with no doubt that the advantages of owning a business outdo those of being an employee by a greater margin. Where then will one get the funding for starting a biashara after unsuccessful job hunting or unsatisfactory job?
In this post, I'll give an overview of the sources of loans for start-ups in Kenya.For full descriptions of these companies and contacts,PLEASE VISIT LENDERS

Venture Capitalists
These are financiers who will listen to your start-up business idea and evaluate its viability. If they are fully convinced by your idea, they'll provide the funding and be part of the ownership(a percentage of your business will belong to the venture capitalist) but will never be involved in the day to day activities of the business.Examples of venture capitalists in Kenya include among others;Nairobi Garage, Seed Capital Investment,Savannah Fund, Westpac,Growthhub, Grofin, Monsanto Fund and Jacana.
Angel Networks
These are finanaciers who will first have to believe in your business idea as a viable one.They'll then provide funding, training and be part of the day to day business activities to ensure the startup grows.So far Investeq Capital remains the well known angel network for startups.
This is where you get several lenders at one place who will first have to be convinced by the viability of your startup business. The most popular crowdsourcing platforms are Zidisha and Kiva.Others include Cheetah fund, Wakibi, Kickstarter, Indiegogo,Appbackr,Quirky AfricInvest, Agrivie Fund,Investeq Capital, Leapfrog, Eva Fund,Fasini,Enabilis and Crowdfunder.
Micro lenders
There are hundreds of microfinance institutions in Kenya both credit only and deposit taking.Micro lenders have a good history of uplifting start-ups compared to commercial banks in kenya.Visit any and give them your startup idea. Some examples include:U&I microfinance, Faulu,Imarika,Century, Uwezo,Youth Fund, Women Enterprise fund, Zawadisha, Sumac, Letshego kenya, Opportunity kenya, ECLOF kenya, Milango microfinance, Musoni MFI, Bimas MFI, Plan international,Yehu microfinance, Riverbank,Ufanisi-AFR, Rupia MFI, Kopo kopo, Unaitas, Juhudi kilimo MFI, Window MFI, Craft Silicon, Planet Rating, Taifa MFI and Greenland Fedha.
Financial foundations
Sometimes foundations can give funding to startup businesses in form of interest free loans, grants or prizes. Some foundations have known dates when they give out loans, grants or hold competitions while others don't have.You must be on the look always never to miss any announced dates set for competitions.Ongoing now is the Total Startupper of the year.Examples of other foundations include ;Safaricom foundation, Chandaria foundation, Citi foundation, MasterCard foundation, Coca-cola foundation, Aga Khan foundation, Ford foundation, The Tony Elumelu, Micro loan, Virgin unite and African Leadership foundation.

KCB To Retain Customers Through Loyalty Rewards

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

KCB Bank branch

Kenya Commercial Bank (KCB) recently rolled out a program to reward it's loyal customers dubbed KCB Simba Points Loyalty ProgramThe program which started in Kenya this week will eventually spread to other regional countries where the bank operates it's subsidiaries.

How to enroll
Enrollment is free to KCB clients. It's done through KCB mobile on *522# or KCB App or visiting any KCB branch.Registered customers of KCB Simba Points Program will then use simbapoints.kcbbankgroup.com as an online platform to learn how to earn and redeem points.
How to earn points

KCB will reward points to any registered customer doing any transactions including making deposits, making e_payments,using debit or credit cards,paying for insurance premiums and applying for or servicing loans among others, from a bank branch, KCB mtaani agent, KCB App, KCB mobile or KCB internet banking.
Customers have a wide range of redemption options including, paying for flights, paying for accommodation, paying for dinner, paying for online shopping, paying for electronics,paying for small bills among others. The bank entered into partnerships with both local and multinational companies to achieve this.Some of the companies include;Tribe, Sarova hotel , Serena hotel,Airtel,Big square, PC world and Naivas supermarket.

AAR Credit Services- Making Payments Easy

Monday, December 7, 2015

AAR Credit services

AAR Credit Services is a credit only (non deposit taking) microfinance institution and a subsidiary of AAR Group of companies who also run the famous medical insurance provider in Kenya,AAR HEALTH INSURANCE. AAR Credit is simply the home of credit partnerships.All it's loans are provided in partnership with other companies in kenya.

Loan Products
Asset FinancingA loan product meant to allow the borrower to acquire items, mostly electronics(computers, printers, phones, photocopiers) from vendors of office and IT equipments. Currently, AAR have gone into agreements with the following companies where the clients can get the equipments they are applying the loan for;

Bright Technologies, PC world, Universal Technologies, Personal systems, Musket,Mitsumi computer garage, Copy cat for schools&none schools, Safaricom, Redington, Elite Computers, Tones Direct and Ravenzo.
Secured and Unsecured Loans
Loans available to individuals and businesses.AAR will get the loan applied for taken care of by a lender among their partners. Generally, individuals who wish to apply secured or unsecured loans will provide copies of IDs and PINs, latest three months payslips & latest six months bank statements and proof of ownership for example logbooks for secured loans.Businesses apply will provide business registration certificate in addition tovthe above requirements.
Post Bank Loan
Only available to Post Bank customers with accounts that have lasted more than six months. AAR Credit will simply act as a guarantor for the loan you want to take from Post Bank.It's available to both individual and businesses.
How to Apply
Visit an AAR Credit branch near you and ask for the loan product you want to apply for or call 0722425040 or 0718425040 or 0736425040 for more information.
Methodist Ministries Center,
1st floor,
Oloitoktok Road,
Lavington, Nairobi.

Mombo Investment Ltd- Free Your Mind

Sunday, December 6, 2015

mombo investment limited

Together with Mombo Sacco, Mombo investment Ltd is one of the subsidiaries of Mombo Group, a financial services company specialized in short term emergency loans.
Mombo investment Ltd offers two loan products.

Loan Products
Salary Advance Loan
Also known as Payday loan. It targets both private sector employees earning a net salary above ksh50000 per month and public sector employees earning a net salary above ksh25000.Borrower should provide two guarantors and pay slips for the latest 3months and possess a valid cheque book.Loans are processed within two hours and can be repaid within up to six months .Applicant can borrow up to 50% the net salary.
Personal Asset Loans
Popularly known as Loans against items or goods.This loan package is available to individuals or businesses with items to hold for example Cars, Jewelry and electronics including laptops, TV sets, Radio sets, smartphones among others. Borrower can get up to 60% the trade value if the item.Disbursed within two hours, the loan interest rate ranges between 7% to 10% depending on the asset used and can be repaid within up to six(6) months.Applicant should possess a valid cheque book and a valid proof of ownership for example logbooks or receipts.
Landmark plaza,
13th floor,
Argwings Kodhek road,
Call 0706503230
Or apply online at www.mombo.co.ke/investment and they will call you.

Jenga Biashara loan, a microfinance facility from National Bank of Kenya

Friday, December 4, 2015

Majority of kenyan people run microbusinesses in order to meet their families' needs.Financing the expansion of such enterprises through asking loans from banks and other lenders in kenya is key though not easy due to unpredictable credibility nature of majority of the Kenyan population.
The National Bank of Kenya,however thought past the unstable financial credibility trends of many men and women in small businesses and came up with a loan package dubbed 'Jenga Biashara Loan'
solely targeting micro-entreprenuers.See also microbusiness loan from Equity Bank.
I know you want to get more about this loan especially the kind of micro-entreprenuers covered.For that reason let me take you through the whole loan package.
Features and Benefits.
.Entreprenuers must be in a group holding a joint account at the National Bank.This savings pool will then be the security against loans borrowed.
.Jenga Biashara Loan is a business loan which is open to finance any business category acceptable in the community.
.Its not for starters.It's specifically to finance expansion of already existing microbusinesses.
.No tangible security is required for loan approvals.The savings pool is sufficient.
.Each group member can borrow an individual loan to finance the growing of their own business.          
.Loan amounts ranges from ksh5000 to ksh1million depending on the size of the business.
.The loan repayment period varies depending on the amount borrowed. The repaymnt period however, should not be less than 6months and should not exceed 12months.  
TIP;if you are looking for group members to create a savings pool,then friends in different lines of business MUST be included.This is to avoid influx of loan applications from members of your group during peak seasons for that single business line.
Interested?Send me back to National Bank Of Kenya to enquire for more just for you by asking your personal query through commenting below.
Wish you success as you apply for Jenga Biashara loan.    

Now you can drive with a car finance plan.

With an auto loan you can be on the road. Most young salaried Kenyans dream of financing the purchase of their own transport to avoid the usually noisy and untidy public transport.Lenders already spotted that and came up with special asset finance packages dubbed 'car loans', 'auto loans' or 'car finance'.These loans are targeting individuals.
See also Auto finance /asset finance to corporates.
Lets step into Barclay's Bank of Kenya. Barclay's bank offers an auto loan to salaried individuals holding salary accounts with the bank.

-This loan is to finance the purchase of motor vehicles or autoparts.
-Purchased vehicle if old must not be older than 7 years.
-The car logbook or autoparts purchased will act as collateral.
-Auto loan includes an affordable life insurance which is what I like about Barclay's bank loans.This insurance keeps safe your property incase of death or total disability to the borrower.
-The loan amounts ranges from ksh400000 to ksh6million to be repayed within less than 60months as loan duration.
-Borrower will enjoy uninterupted use of vehicle for an only that affordable monthly payment when repaying the loan.
-The loan interest rate ranges from 22.5% to 22.5%pa.
-Borrower must deposit a minimum of 20% of the loan amount to be asked for.
-Client must be a salaried individual earning an income of more than ksh50000 monthly.       
Do you know how to drive? Remember to drive safely.
Any more personal queries? Drop a comment below.
Good luck.    

Kopa Loan Na Bonga Points

Thursday, December 3, 2015

kopa loan na bonga points

Unlike airtel zawadi points which can easily be converted to airtel money over the mobile phone, Safaricom bonga points can never be redeemed as mpesa.Luckily 'Kopa Loan Na Bonga Points' came to everybody's rescue!

Now, if you didn't know, Kopa Loan Na Bonga Points a fast growing micro lender can give out loans against your bonga points as security.
The higher the number of bonga points, the higher the loan amount one can borrow. Tip:You can convince your relatives or friends to 'sambaza points' to you which enable your loan amount to be borrowed raised. But before that, check how it works.
How it works
It's simply. You send your bonga points and receive the loan as mpesa.After repaying the loan amount plus the interest, you get your bonga points back. And you can now borrow again!
Loan features
Loans are available to safaricom subscribers only.
Bonga points will be used as security against the loan borrowed.
The loan amount is calculated as number of bonga points divided by 10.
Interest rate is 30% per month.
OTHER SERVICE;You can choose to sell your bonga points at ksh0.1 per bonga point to Kopa Loan na Bonga Points .

Loan calculations
For an individual with 10000 bonga points, the maximum amount of loan he/she can borrow is ksh1000 (achieved after dividing 10000 bonga points by 10).
The amount to be repaid will be ksh1300 (arrived at after adding 30% of ksh1000 i,e ksh300 to ksh1000)
For an individual selling bonga points, 10000 bonga points will earn him/her ksh1000 (the product of 10000 and 0.1)
Please call 0724025633 to begin the application process.

Speed Capital - Convinient Finance For SMEs

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

speed capital logo

Speed Capital limited is a microfinance lender registered in kenya aiming to be the best partner to small and medium size enterprises.

Loan Products
Biashara plus loan
This is a loan of 5,000 Ksh to 50,000Ksh targeted to startups and small businesses that do not have collateral other than stock and household items. It’s a product tailored to operate like an overdraft facility, where one repays within one month.

Loan features
* Loan Size: Ksh 5,000 to Ksh 50,000ksh
* Repayment period of one month
* Loan processed within 24hrs
* Disbursement done via Mpesa.
Super biashara loan
This is a product offered to existing clients on biashara plus loans after successful completing their 3rd cycle. It’s a loan targeted to grow our clients while rewarding them for their loyalty.
Loan features
* Loan size of Ksh 50,000 to Ksh100,000
* Repayment period 3 months
* Loans processed within 24hrs.
Secured loan
This is a product targeted to business people who face temporary cash flow constraints and they have the conventional securities to secure their facility.
Loan features
* Loan size from Ksh 50,000 to ksh1,000,000
* Interest rate on reducing balance
* Loan processed within 48 hrs
* Repayment period up to 3months
Speed Asset Financing
This is a product designed to assist our clients acquire assets without paying the full amount. The asset value margin remains as per the policy. The acceptable assets are Motor vehicles and business machineries.
Loan features
* Loan Amount 50% the value of the asset
* Valuation and joint registration to be done for the vehicle
* Repayment period up to 12 months
Employee Scheme loan
The employee scheme loan is a financial product that Speed Capital offers to salaried workers or employees in offices schools,hospitals ,ministries ,manufacturing and industrial houses as well as any well established employer that has a workforce of minimum 5 employees and are in need for a financial services. They are two categories in this segment:
Project Kidogo- A loan facility for up to 6 months.
Salary Advance- a one month loan facility.
Speed bid bonds
It is common in business practice when tendering for large capital projects for the tenderer to be supported by a Bid Bond. The Bid Bond is an indication of the applicant company's ability to carry out the work being tendered for. Speed Capital’s Bid Bond Product helps customers who participate in tenders capture the contracts they desire.Speed Capital Limited offers speedy and cash-free bid bonds at good rates and flexible terms from reputable and authorized financial institutions.Get your bid bonds within one hour of application compliance!
Speed Import Finance
The selection of trade finance products and services has important consequences. The right financing arrangement and the right terms can mean the difference between profit and loss on each transaction. Speed Capital Limited's mission is to provide trade finance services and to assist in the selection of the optimal financial solution. We provide a product tailored for clients who have imported vehicles and don’t have the money to pay for duty and other port charges. At Speed Capital Limited we will help you pay all these so that you do not incur extra charges on storage at very friendly terms.
Speed Project financing
This is a product to assist in the clients with a definite pay-back period, which is usually more than conventional 30Days, and expecting some bullet payments e.g LPOfinancing, schools among others.
Loan features
Loan period up to 6 months.
Branches< /b>
Head Office
Kimathi House,
Kimathi Street,
8th floor
P.O Box 100463-00101
Tel: +254714505414
Email: info@speedcapital.co.ke,

Nairobi Branch
Kimathi House,
Kimathi Street,
5th floor
Tel: 0715160823
Email :nairobi@speedcapital.co.ke

Gikomba Branch
Nacico plaza
5th Floor
Suite no.511
Tel: 0715160760
Email: gikomba@speedcapital.co.ke

Embakasi Branch
Winstonia Business Centre,
1st Floor
Tel: 0715160783
Email: embakasi@speedcapital.co.ke

Rongai Branch
Brisma plaza
4th floor suite no. 301
Tel: 0715160786
Email: rongai@speedcapital.co.ke

Kitengela Branch
Red Heron Building,
1st floor

Thika branch
Kigio plaza,
2nd floor suite no. K2.35
Tel: 0715160762
Email: thika@speedcapital.com

Naivasha Branch
Lancaster Plaza,
2nd floor
Email: naivasha@speedcapital.co.ke

Kawangware Branch
Mbugua Plaza 2nd Flr

Dealer Car Financing In Kenya

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Kenyans would always use their banks or chamas to apply for a car loan.That's okay but there are car dealers who can offer vehicle financing at economically friendly terms.
(1) Toyota Kenya
toyota logo

Toyota Kenya car financing dubbed Tsusho capital, enables every Kenyan individual or business/company to own a vehicle at an interest rate of 18%per annum.Tsusho capital grants the borrower access to after sale services and vehicle maintenance just like a dealer and the loan can be repaid within up to 5 years. The best part of this loan package is that the borrower is free to use their bank to apply for other credit facilities because Toyota kenya will leave the bank credit line open!

Individuals should provide the following ;
National ID and PIN
Latest six months bank statements
Latest three months pay slips.
Business/Company should provide the following ;
Certificate of registration
PIN certificate
Memorandum and Articles of Association
Six months bank statements
Director's ID and PIN
Latest three years financial statements

How to apply
Visit WWW.toyotakenya.com to apply online or call these numbers to enquiry ;
Call Toyotsu auto mart kenya on 0711050000

(2) DT Dobie
DT Dobie kenya

A subsidiary of Cfao-automotives, Dt Dobie (driving with confidence) have partnered with several banks and micro finance institutions in kenya to provide tailor made car finance solutions to their clients.
Call these numbers for any enquiries :
Nairobi -0711057000/100/200/500
Mombasa -0719076000 or 0733332778

(3) General Motors [GM]
General Motors East Africa provide various car financing schemes in partnership with various Kenyan financial institutions. All financing schemes are tailor made as per the client needs.
Contact Nairobi Main reception on 0703013111 or Sales reception on 0703013222

(4) CarMax
Providing maximum deals in cars, CarMax East Africa partnered with Family bank, Cfc Stanbic bank, Chase bank, NIC bank, Cooperative bank, KCB and Equity bank to give car financing to clients of all levels of income. CarMax allows customers to buy on hire purchase terms to be repaid in 12,24,36 or 48 monthly instalments.
Mombasa road branch - 0722702438,0722606329,0720352722
Langata road branch -0722320054,0721566338
Ngong road branch -0722510156,0720392386,0725272333

(5) Caza
Caza is a car financing agent for both new and used vehicles. Borrowers can apply online on WWW.caza.co.ke and Caza will match your needs with the best auto financing company that best fits your needs.
Call for enquiries ;0727710803 or 0724559878

A helping hand through the digital migration ,DStv or GOtv financing from Equity Bank.

The switching is still on.The deadline is around the corner.It will be mandatory to all TV viewers to get a digital box.The question remains to be 'where is the money to finance the purchase of such decorders?' Any lenders? There are many lenders in Kenya but today am going to talk about the 'DStv and GOtv financing' from Equity Bank
The Equity Bank in partnership with Multichoice is offering a loan facility just to finance the purchase only DStv or GOtv digital box .The requirements for the borrowers are few though important.One must be an active equity bank account holder with a good credit record.Salaried client have higher chances of being approved.
This loan is quickly disbursed at an instant.The procedure of applying for this facility is as follows;
Visit any Multichoice outlet near you.Ask for a proforma ,fill it and take it to the nearest equity bank branch for credit review.That is all! If you get approved,you will be issued with a collection note to pick your DStv or GOtv decorder from your Multichoice agent.
Interested? Move with the rest.Any personal question? Comment below and I'll get back to you.
Thanks in advance.Tell others too.    

You might be missing this out! Addicted shopper's loan.

Can you finance your regular shopping habits? Can you get a quick loan to purchase that 'now trending' home theatre or anthing? I know of people addicted to shopping especially ladies.Smile now because 'mkopo poa' a personal loan facilty from Bank of Africa-Kenya  can take care of your wishlist.
See also DStv and GOtv financing.
Mkopo poa is a partnership between Bank of Africa(boa)-kenya and Nakumatt Supermarket to make customers get their desired goods even when out of cash.Therefore ,Mkopo Poa loan makes it posible for a customer to purchase their wishlist without a coin. 
- it's for financing goods from Nakumatt and pay latter after a year.
-mkopo poa has an interest rate of 1.5% per month.
-loan amount ranges from ksh50000 to ksh500000.
-mkopo poa loan is only available to boa(bank of Africa) account holders.
-this loan facility is available to both salaried and self-employed customers.
-it will take less than 48hours after you apply,to be notified about the status of your loan ;whether approved or disapproved.
-For salaried customers, you'll need to
present the latest three months payslips and bank statements.You must have a good credit report or history too.
-For self-employed individuals, business registration forms and statements of accounts(for a period of one year) must be presented.A clean credit report is a must.
Am sure by now you might be asking yourself the above question.
(1).Visit any nearest nakumatt supermarket branch.
(2).Select the goods you wish to buy(only available commodities) and write a wishlist.
(3)Finally,ask for an application form, fill it in an give it back to the customer care desk.
(4)Go home and wait for a notification about your loan status within 48hrs.
That's all.Any personal question? Leave a comment below.
Good Luck!              

Uvuvi Biashara Loan

Monday, November 30, 2015

Uvuvi is a Swahili word meaning the practice of catching fish for own consumption or for commercial purposes. In kenya, the residents of the coastal areas of Diani,Mombasa, Kilifi, Malindi, Lamu, Kiunga and the residents of the Lake Victoria region areas of Kisumu,Siaya,Migingo and Bondo are known to be the biggest fish vendors and fishermen of all time.Fishing as an economic activity once in a while needs financing to enhance its growth
fish vendors in mombasa

The Lender
The Equity Bank of Kenya gives loans to Kenyans doing business in the fishing sector of the Kenyan economy.Traders known as fish vendors
and fishermen are the targeted individuals for the Uvuvi Biashara loan.This loan comes in three categories depending on the borrower's needs.All the uvuvi loan categories are open to all Kenyans even those who are not equity bank customersThey are all secured loans against logbooks, title deeds, guarantors,shares, cash covers among other acceptable propertiesThere is a credit life insurance of 0.275% on all uvuvi loans.
Business loan
This category targets people already in the fishing business.The loan amount borrowed depends on the applicants need and the ability to repay. Interest rate is 12% per annum.
Micro leasing
Targets fishermen who need to get some fishing equipments through leasing. The bank will lease the equipments like boats, drying racks fishing nets, gears among others at an interest rate of 15% per annum up to a maximum of ksh300000.
Asset financing
refrigirated truck

Asset financing targets people in the fishing business line who would like to own assets for example refrigerators or refrigerated trucks among others. Applicants can borrow up to a maximum of kes300000 at an interest rate of 8% per annum.There is joint registration with the bank to make the purchased item part of the collateral needed.

Halifax Financial Services Ltd- Your World Right In Your Hands

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Halifax Financial Services is a financial limited company registered in Kenya offering microfinance solutions to Kenyans, putting in mind even those people residing in remote areas.
Halifax offers a variety of loan services including but not limited to emergency loans, business loans, asset loans and personal loans. Customers have varied wants. Halifax Financial Services will also tailor make a loan for you.They have reduced
greatly in using paperwork. Just apply online through the website below or contact them now.
Help line ; 0729756740
Website ;WWW.halifaxfs.com
Physical location ;
Ojijo Plaza
Off Plums lane
2nd floor
Suite B1
PO Box 5574-00200 Nairobi.

Small-scale farmers Kilimo Biashara loan from Equity Bank

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Agriculture is the backbone of the kenyan economy.In a bid to support the expansion of this sector, lending institutions have come up with various loan facilities targeting farmers.
Let us step into Equity Bank today.There are a variety of agricultural loan facilities offered by this bank of which today I'll be talking only about  Kilimo Biashara loan for Small-scale farmers. The loan amount ranges from ksh5000 to ksh100000 depending on the borrower's capability to repay.
By now am sure you want to know the type of small-scale farmers targeted.Ok ,this loan is specific in that it only targets small-scale comercial food crop farmers.Its evident now that cash crop farmers or livestock keepers don't belong here.Note that the food crop farmers are limited to small-scale and the loan should only finance the purchase of farm oriented particulars like
agrochemicals,certified seeds or hiring machinery or paying for labour costs but must not be used to finance land leasing or buying. Up to here, its again clear that this loan is not for starters.
Lets now look at the eligibility points for the intended group of farmers for this loan facility i.e small-scale comercial food crop farmers.     
.Borrower must be an active account holder with equity bank
.Loan applicant must demonstrate the ability to repay.Previous successful loan repayment is an added advantage.
.Comercial food crop farmers borrowing must have an experience of atleast one successful season.
.Submission of loan applications should be within a period of one month before the onset of planting season.
.The agriculture group lending policy demands that borrowers must attend group meetings every week for some training on loan management and better farming techniques.
.Farmers must show understanding of the market for the food crop to be financed.
.Borrower must identify input suppliers and get quotations or pro-forma invoices for all the particulars to be financed.
.Loan applicants must provide documentary evidence to show ownership of land/farm or lease agreement signed and witnesed by a lawyer covering not less than two future seasons.
.The bank demands that farmers demonstrate existence of other sources of income that could be utilised for loan repayment incase of crop failure, loss of harvest or poor marketing due to any factor like adverse weather.
That's all about qualifications. Do you qualify?
Mostly banks and others lending service providers wish to be on the safe side when it comes to incurring losses especially through loan defaulters.As a result,security can be asked for from the borrower.The Kilimo Biashara loan is secured.
Lets now see what can be used as security;
.Personal mortgage can be used over farm as security against the loan.
.A minimum of two guarantors with active credible accounts with equity bank can be in place of security
.Convectional securities like motor vehicles & land title deeds can be subjected for consideration.
.If you belong to an agriculture group, then group guarantees may also be considered as the loan security.
Repayment Period.
-Farmers granted the kilimo biashara loan will have a maximum of one year or one production season ,whichever is shorter,to repay the loan.
Are you a farmer?Are you interested in this loan?Send me back to the bank for you by asking your personal question below as a comment.
Wish you success in your farming business and loan appliation too!             

GOtv decorder financing from M-shwari, a mobi loan facility .

With the recent mega partnership involving Commercial Bank of Africa(CBA),Safaricom and Multichoice, you can still finance the purchase of a GOtv digital box, just in case you've not yet taken advantage of it.CBA&Safaricom's M-shwari is the platform you'll use to apply for the loan while Multichioce will provide you the digital box.
See also DStv and GOtv financing.
This is not the only partnership in
support of easy and affordable digital migration path in Kenya.With the analog signal total switching off around June next year,The equity bank is already in strong partnerships with Chinese  Startimes and Multichoice to ensure easy and affordable access to digital boxes.
-This loan is available to all M-shwari customers who have a loan limit of ksh1000.This means only safaricom subscribers are eligible.
-Application is done through a mobile phone by dialling *234*6#
-Majority of the Mshwari loan Terms and conditions apply.
-The intended loan amount is ksh 3499 to be repaid within three months.
Approved loan applicants will collect their digital boxes from Multichoice dealers near them.
If you are not an mshwari customer you can join today by updating your MPESA account and activating your Mshwari account.

Max Advance, a personal loan facility for salaried individuals.

Max Advance is a personal loan facility from Guarantly Trust Bank(Kenya)-(GTBank) formerly Fina Bank targeting employed clients.Many lenders(banks) in Kenya offer personal loans to their clients in the form of payday loans or salary advance or emergency loans but Max Advance is new.
This loan package covers a wide range of personal activities that can be financed with it.It can be doing house renovation(home, shop,recording studio etc),
paying for your children school fees,buying a plot of land, paying for hospital bills or purchase livestock.
This loan is for people earning a salary from an employer.It can be from the government or a private company.
Minimum amount that a potential borrower can apply for is ksh 100000.
Max Advance is both a secured and unsecured loan.Security is required for amounts above ksh500000 but any amounts below this is unsecured.
Successful applicants will have 12 to 36months to repay the loan.
-Borrower must have been holding a salary account for more than 3months with GTBank.
-Must have been employed for at least 12 months with the same employer.
-Max Advance loan applicants must be recieving a monthly salary of ksh50000 and above.
-You'll need as a borrower to provide a letter from your employer confirming employment and guarantee of salary.
Good luck!        

Springboard Capital Ltd - The Lending Hand

Springboard capital Ltd is a micro credit lender registered in Kenya.
Springboard capital and Loans Kenya logos

Quick Cash
It's an emergency loan processed within 24hrs.One can borrow from kes51000 to kes80000 to be fully repaid within three months.
Requirements ;Be an existing client and posses a current bank account.
Business loan
Applicants can borrow from kes100000 to kes2m.
Requirements ;Borrower must be running a business /own a business.
Documents;Copy of national ID,Copy of business trading license,Copy of Logbook
or Title deed (optional).
Also three referees are required.
High School loan
This loan targets the seniors(18yr and above), and must be employed.
Requirements ;Two passport size photos, Copies of National and Student IDs, Stamped letter from employer consenting direct deduction from payrolls.
School fees loan
This loan is mean for the juniors (below 18 years).Parents can borrow up to a maximum of kes100000 to be repaid in three months.
Plot financing
The loan targets people who wish to buy land.Use the contacts below to enquiry for this loan.
Car loan
You can apply for a loan specifically for buying a car or any type of vehicle and repay up to within 2years.The loan amount must not go beyond kes 2million.
Requirements;Bank statements for latest 6months,Original and copy of PIN certificate, 3 referees.
Call centre;0717711005
Head Office
Murang'a Road,
Kensia House 2nd floor.
Tell;020 231 9430 or 0705 715 054.

Odyssey Capital - Access Financing Instantly

Monday, November 23, 2015

 Odyssey Capital Ltd is a financial limited company registered in kenya. The mission is to avail financial products to small and medium sized enterprises and to individuals.As a potential borrower you can apply for a loan on there website or call them directly (see contacts below).

Odyssey capital and Loans Kenya logos
Odyssey Capital gives a variety of financial services mostly tailor made loan packages.The main loan packages though include ;
Advance Payment Guarantee

Unsecured loan
Invoice Discounting
SME fund
Women fund
School Fee Financing

Reach them through ;
Website :WWW.Odysseyafricapital.com

Micro Mobile Limited - Money is mobile

Micro Mobile Limited is a Kenyan mobile solutions company created in the year 2013 with a view to providing micro credit (micro loans) and financial access solutions to clients exclusively on a mobile platform.
Micro mobile and Loans Kenya logos
Currently, Micro Mobile provides three mobile solutions.
Mobi Craft-This enables clients who are members of various savings and credit cooperative societies (saccos) to easily access credit over their mobile phone handsets.
Mobi Bills - This service helps registered members of Micro Mobile .Note:Currently not operational.
platform to easily pay bills for various utilities.
Mobi Loan-This is the main product and is essentially a provision of salary advance for staff (from employers partnered with micro mobile)
over a mobile platform to maximize conviniency for both employer and employees.
How it works
An MOU(memorandum of understanding) is signed between Micro Mobile and the employer whose role thereafter is to facilitate payroll deductions for loan repayments. Employees are registered for the service on the micro mobile electronic platform (open accounts) to allow easier access the short term loans which they can draw in form of. Mpesa or Airtel money anytime, anywhere.
Credit Limit
The loan amount borrowed depends on one's pay,normally a third of the gross salary but can't exceed ksh100000.Upon successful repayment, employee's credit limit is reinstated and made available for future use.
Employers working with Micro mobile currently
Cellulant!,Reelforge,Vaell, East African Educational Publishers, Emobilis, Impax Technologies, Turnkey, Highlands, Isol Associates Ltd, Citywalk,Dataguard, Long View Suites, Mtech, Suraya properties, Viva Africa Consulting, Reward and Recognition, Rising star commodities Ltd, Tricom, Micro mobile, Associate consulting Africa Ltd.
Counties -
Bomet,Bungoma, Busia, Nairobi, Embu, Meru,Homabay, Kakamega, Kericho,Kisii, Kisumu, Migori, Mombasa, Nandi, Nyamira, Siaya, Trans Nzoia,Uasin Gishu,West Pokot.
Ministries -
Ministry of Education, Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Interior(Prisons,Regular police and Administration police), Ministry of Transport, Ministry of Health, ministry of information and communication, ministry of sports, culture and arts, ministry of planning and development, ministry of industrialization, Office of the president, Office of the deputy president, ministry of land, housing and urban development,The National Treasury.
Commission -Teacher Service commission.
10th floor,IPS Building, Kimathi Street. PO BOX 4449-00100 Nairobi, Kenya. Call Office ;0709953000, 020 5101089
Call Centre :0705550550,0724662453,0709953100

Remu,Faulu,Sumac Set To Flow Cash To SMEs

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Analysis shows that Kenyans ate easily willing to take loans from micro lenders instead of borrowing from big banks!Do you agree with this analysis? Now the forefront micro financiers, Remu microfinance, Faulu DTM and Sumac DTM have started to source deep pools of cash bases to flow cash loans to SMEs come next year.

Remu will be selling shares worth sh345m by next year.
The micro lender targets a total of sh1.7bn in three years to sufficiently help small businesses grow to unimaginable levels.

Faulu, popularly known for its extremely low rates(12%) had to go for a sh.1bn loan from the universal lender, European Investment Bank.This money is set to benefit clients in small businesses.

Sumac DTM borrowed sh100m from Regmifa based in Luxembourg to add to its finance base.

Though its too risky to save with small financial institutions(the imperial bank proved this) but I think from the above big preparations its worthy trying. Mama mboga,boda boda riders,cafe owners and all small businesses can ride in this. SOURCE ;BUSINESS DAILY

Borrowers Smile As Rates Fall

In mid October this year, almost all banks in kenya but notably Equity,Standard Chartered and Barclays were sending to their customers alerting of a drastic rates hike to those already servicing loans.This followed as a result of an increase in the expenses towards government debts instruments signalled by Central Bank of Kenya(CBK).

This happened to be the big blow to the Kenyans that got the Deputy President talking about unfair the banks were on behalf of the Kenyan mwananchi.
The said rates shot to intolerable highs of 27% on average!

The good news however came knocking on the borrowers door last week after the big lenders started forwarding messages to 'loanees' informing of normal rates reinstatement.This followed as a result of a decline in treasury bills and bond yields.

If you were planning of applying for a loan now it's 'safe'The normal rates were between 16% to 22% depending on the customer's credibility.The whole situation really left many customers frustrated as reported by the Business Daily

Were you affected?

Loan maturity,what about it?

Sunday, September 13, 2015

  When will this loan mature?When will my loan be fully paid?How long will it take to clear my loan in full?Credit facilities differ as per the purpose or financier in question.Lenders giving out  loans for business purposes [mkopo wa biashara] for example business startup capital financing do offer longer repayment periods than their counterparts offering credit services for minor emergencies. Financiers like commercial banks may give less loan repayment periods than saccos [mkopo wa chama] for the same amount of loan.
  Sounds so obvious that it worthless posting but wait.As Loans Kenya,we have a bank of questions from our blog viewers triggering concern.
"Are long term loans profitable?
How to apply for shot term loans?Whats the loan repayment duration?How long will it take to repay the loan? "

All legitimate financiers in kenya are regulated by the Central Bank of Kenya.The minimum repayment duration is around one month and the maximum is close to six years[72 months].Only few extreme cases can go up to 20 years.The time attached to a loan facility depends some of the following;
AMOUNT -The higher the amount of money borrowed the longer is the repayment duration and the lower the amount borrowed the shorter is the repayment duration.
CREDIT REPORT -The better the credit report the longer the loan repayment period and the poor the credit report the shorter the loan repayment period.
LENDER -Though within the recommended range of time some lenders can decide to allocate longer repayment periods to a loan amount than other lenders.
Now you know.

They are quick to clear.They are characterised by small loan amounts.They attract smaller loan repayment installments.They have short repayment durations.

They are characterised by high loan amounts.They attract longer loan repayment periods thereby making the repayment instalments small as the y are spread over longer duration.Business loans can give borrowers ample time to work hard on their businesses ploughing back profits to the business while paying little instalments  to the financier.

Its simple up to the borrower and the lender to settle for an agreed time period.Luckily nowadays there are online loan calculators on the respective lender websites.Make use of the same for quick results.Thanks

Mobile loans apps in Kenya

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

  Mobile money is now an obvious thing in the finance industry in kenya since the introduction of Safaricom's M-Pesa,Bharti's Airtel money,Essar's Yu cash and Telkom's orange money some years back.Lenders therefore had no option but jumping on board through business partnerships with these giants in the telecommunication  industry resulting into the development of loan app[softwares].

Learn how to apply for a mobile loan in kenya.

  Putting aside banking apps for example KCB
and I&M banking apps'today we are going to highlight the best 'trust based ' loan apps in kenya which are up and running already benefiting clients during times of financial emergencies.These apps are available on GOOGLE PLAY STORE.Please read the descriptions of each app, understand before proceeding to download it and use it.

 See emergency loan givers in kenya.

Thanks to co-founders Keneth Ngetha and Kyale Mwendwa for the big inovation.The loans are going to be offered by Saida Financial Services.The loans are available to safaricom and aitel subscribers only.Currently close to 50000 clients are using Saida loan app.
-Download the app and instal it to your mobile phone.
-Fill in the required details; name ,phone number, email address etc
-Wait for the feedback and you are done!
If you are approved for a given amount ,you do so immediately and the money will be deposited into your m-pesa or airtel money account.Repayment depends on the amount borrowed and is payed through your m-pesa or airtel money.

There are two apps,one intended for Kenyans and one for Tanzanians.Choose the one for kenya [mkopo rahisi kenya].Mkopo rahisi is available to safaricom subscribers only.Loans are offered by Inventure.Currently mkopo rahisi has close to 100000 users.
-Download the app and instal it to your mobile phone.
-Sign in using your facebook or google account.
-Fill in a few details ars required; employment status,salary etc.
-Wait for the feedback and that is it!
If you get approved for acertain amount of money the same will be credited to your m-pesa account.Repayment depends onthe amount borrowed and its done through m-pesa.
UPDATE:Read now Mkopo Rahisi is now Tala kenya

Micromobile loans are offered by MICRO MOBILE LIMITED.The loans are available to safaricom subscribers only.Micromobile have close to 5000 users.
-Download the app and instal it to your phone.
Create your micromobile account.
-Request a mobiloan and that is it.
Update ;Currently, this app is not working. It will be okay in the near future.

Financial access anytime, anywhere. Branch International is the latest fast way to get credit in Kenya. The loan is available to safaricom subscribers. Currently, more than 10000 people are using this app.
Download the app.
Sign in using your Facebook account.
Now apply for a loan up to a maximum of ksh50000, which upon approval the money will be deposited in your M pesa account.

Loans Kenya readers are now updated on this.What did we leave out +Chris webber  +Mercy Orangi +yusuf omar

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