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Maridadi business loans facility - Equity bank

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Maridadi business equity bank
Maridadi Business credit facility was developed just this week, to specifically cater for the entrepreneurs in the creative industry. 'Maridadi' is a Swahili word meaning being stylish.Its then clear that this credit solution targets the fashion industry.

With the tagline 'scaling up the creative industry', this Equity Bank's brand new loan facility targets all businesses in the textile and clothing line of the Kenyan economy.

Maridadi Business loan features.

  • The loan amount that borrowers can apply for ranges from kes5000 to kes100,000,000.
  • The loan caters for working capital purposes.
  • In association with the designers board,beneficiaries will get financial and entrepreneurship trainings.
  • Beneficiaries will get exposure through various local and global platforms where they'll easily market their designs
Fashion designers,tailors and all people along the Textile and Clothing value chain with existing businesses can take advantage of maridadi business loan facility from Equity bank.

Maridadi business Benefits.
Loan beneficiaries will enjoy the following;

  1. A business loan of up to kes100million
  2. Business property insurance
  3. Business advisory
  4. Finance and entrepreneurship trainings.
To get started, visit any Equity bank branch near you.

CarMax adopts online auto financing platform

Carmax auto online loans
CarMax,the world's largest secondhand car dealer and financier based in the US,has kicked off moving its auto finance applications online,said the management in a conversation with Reuters.

The move was as a result of a fall in auto finance sales due to the less accessibility to the lending facility.

CarMax has a subsidiary in Kenya,CarMax EA,which serves the whole of East Africa region.As dwellers of the region,we highly expect the online car loan application platform will also be available to us.CarMax EA have been giving auto finance loans to Kenyans through partnerships with commercial banks like Family Bank and Cfc Stanbic just to mention a few.

The online loan application will enable borrowers to pre-qualify before visiting a CarMax store.Pre-qualification gives the customer confidence as he or she visits the showroom.

NIC's Imperial BankTakeover bid barred by a Court order.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Nic imperial bank kenya
NIC Bank's plans to takeover the management of Imperial Bank assets,liabilities and staff was blocked when the collapsed bank shareholders went to court.

Read NIC bank to takeover Imperial Bank

The Takeover plan which involved the banks' regulator (CBK),the depositors' protector( KDIC) and NIC bank was announced just two days ago on Tuesday through a CBK press release before the Imperial bank shareholder moved to court to bar the move. Imperial banks owners termed it as a way to liquidated a 'good bank' and subsequently may cause a case already filed by the shareholders risk automatic nullification by the High Court.

During the issuance of the barring order the ruling High Court judge said,
I do issue barring the respondents (CBK and KDIC) from transferring, assigning, disposing of, dissipating or alienating any of the assets of Imperial Bank,

The respondents ,CBK and KDIC however,according to Tuesday's press release the complainant, Imperial Bank shareholders, seemed not to update the regulators and show positive signs of reopening the collapsed bank branches and resume service delivery.In a joint agreement, therefore, NIC Bank was appointed to take care of the Imperial Bank's customers,staff and premises.

Because of this move by the fallen bank's shareholders,depositors will have to wait a bit further until the matter is resolved in court. Depositors were promised a deposit refund of kes1.5million to those with accounts holding less than kes2.5million.The other depositors with more than kes2.5million in their accounts were to be taken into consideration in the near future by NIC Bank.

Fashion Industry SMEs to benefit from expansion loans from Equity Bank.

Fashion clothing loans equty
@KeEquitybank #FashionomicsKe The Equity Bank yesterday announced interest and some set plans to give the clothing and textile industry players expansion business loans during a market research report release concerning the same, in collaboration with Hivos East Africa and Association of Fashion Designers of Kenya. 

The lender, who's move was alleviated by the positive market research report released concerning the viability of the Kenyan fashion industry,is willing to lend up to kes100million to each SME practising in the industry.Targeted segment include; tailors,fashion designers and fashion marketers.

The report unveiled yesterday revealed that more than 80 percent of the entrepreneurs practising in the textile and clothing industry in kenya are women and their major obstacle to expansion is inaccessibility to loans.As a lender,the Equity bank,through its Credit Director,Elizabeth Gathai,confirmed to lend a helping hand to the fashion sector players through provision of friendly credit solutions.

The credit solution package to fashion industry players comes with other benefits on board including trainings, market networks and platforms access.This will enable the entrepreneurs to participate in both local and global goods marketing.   

Imperial Bank to be taken over by NIC Bank

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Nic bank and imperial bank
NIC bank might soon take over collapsed Imperial bank management. According to CBK's June 21st press release concerning Imperial Bank receivership status,Kenya Depositors Insurance Corporation has gone into a joint agreement with NIC bank that gives the latter too much power over collapsed IBL assets,liabilities and staff.

Read the KDIC and NIC bank joint agreement on Imperial bank

Its not a new scenario to happen in the Kenyan banking sector.The other time ,KCB took over the management of Chase bank limited ,which was successful to an extent of saving the lender from collapsing.If at all ,this move by the KDIC and NIC bank will see depositors of fallen Imperial bank paid their deposits,then it will be the way to go for collapsing banks.

In brief, NiC will assess the quality of Imperial banks assets and liabilities, disburse kes1.5millionto each Imperial bank's depositor with accounts holding less than kes2.5million,will recover Imperial bank's loans and assume all disposed imperial bank's assets,liabilities and verified deposits.

In the press release,CBK stated that ,though its too early to communicate in full,the NIC bank will take care of the depositors with above kes2.5million in Imperial bank accounts.

Its expected, that depositors will be granted access in a structured manner to about 40 percent of the remaining amount of verified deposits above kes2.5m.NIC will assume the majority of Imperial Bank's staff and branches.
That's it!Go NIC.

Collapsed Imperial Bank Depositors to access part of deposits through NIC Bank

Imperial bank becomes Nic bank
Collapsed Imperial Bank Limited (IBL) will soon access their money deposits through NIC Bank.According to today's Central Bank of Kenya (CBK) press release,Kenya Depositors Insurance Corporation (KDIC) has gone into a joint agreement with NIC Bank to effect deposit access by IBL depositors who had less than kes2.5million in their bank accounts before the lender was placed under receivership.Each account holder will receive a total of kes1.5million in a lump sum and the rest in bits.

A step to safeguard the interest of IBL creditors and depositors and the general public was taken as a result of the failure by the bank's shareholders to provide convincing information regarding to reopening and assumption of services delivery.

Imperial Bank's then clients will soon have  smiles on their faces when the deal between KDIC and NIC Bank will be practical as customers with verified accounts holding more than kes2.5million shillings will also be taken care of in the near future.

The joint agreement says;

  • NIC bank will act as the asset and liability consultant for IBL,thereby undertaking on behalf of KDIC an assessment of the quality of the IBL assets and liabilities, support the recovery of IBL loans and guide in staffing.
  • NIC will disburse kes1.5million to each remaining depositors as soon as the High Court suspension of payments to depositors is lifted,hopefully on 4th July.This will see 45700 depositors fully paid.
  • NIC will assume IBL assets ,liabilities and verified deposits as they are disposed by KDIC.
  • NIC will resume the recovery of IBL loans.
  • KDIC will retain and manage all IBL assets not disposed.
The CBK and KDIC was happy with the patience that the IBL depositors has shown.

Insurance Awards 2016 Categories; Think Business.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Think business, insurance awards 2016
Insurance Awards 2016 annual celebrations are set for 1st July this year.Being the 7th celebration since the award initiation, its main aim is to encourage innovation and excellence in the insurance sector by recognising, awarding and celebrating exemplary performers in the sector.

Think Business, the Insurance Awards founder,came up with various categories under which awards will be given out to the deserving participants. Participants eligible all companies and individuals offering services and solutions in the insurance sector in kenya.

There are a total of 14 nomintion categories for this years insurance awards.These are the insurance awards 2016 categories;

  1. Life insurer of the year
  2. General insurer of the year
  3. The ICT award
  4. Corporate lines Broker of the year
  5. Risk Management award
  6. Claims settlement award
  7. The major loss award
  8. Fraud detection and prevention award
  9. Medical underwriter of the year
  10. Customer service award
  11. Marketing initiative of the year
  12. The training award
  13. Socially responsible corporate award
  14. Lifetime achievement award.
Check back for the list of nominees later.

Home loan givers in Kenya

Friday, June 17, 2016

Where can I get a house loan.Who gives mortgage loans in kenya.There are many home loan service providers in Kenya that can finance up to 100per cent the value of the house. Commercial banks like KCB,Equity and Barclay's seem to be at the forefront in implementing easy acquisition of homes,but today, we want to list financiers that solely deal in mortgage financing in kenya.

The most common mortgage plans in kenya include; home buying, home construction, house renovation and buying plots.Houses purchased can be home dwellings, residential rental houses,office blocks or shop or business stalls.

Why visit these 'mortgage only' lenders?Its because, their interest rates are friendly low and they are specialists in the housing industry.

Housing Finance Group (HF Group).

Housing finance home loans
Housing Finance is the main mortgage solution provider in Kenya and the East African region.HF provide loans to both individuals and businesses for the purpose of house purchasing, house buying and  plots buying.Read more on our post about Housing Finance Kenya

National Housing Corporation (NHC).
Nhc mortgage loans kenya
NHC  is a statutory body formed by a an act of Parliament to implement the government housing policies and programmes.

NHC has many duties concerning housing in kenya.The body constructs housing blocks,sales housing blocks,rents housing blocks and provide house loans to rural and peri-rural individuals wishing to construct permanent households.

House loan borrowers can apply up to a maximum of kes3000000 to finance the construction of permanent dwelling houses.The maximum loan repayment period is up to 10 years.

To find out more,contact NHC on;0724256403 or 0735993030

KUSCCO Lmited.
Kuscco house loans kenya mortgage

Kenya Union of Savings and Credit Cooperative (KUSCCO)Limited provide mortgage loans to sacco members and Saccos themselves.

House loan borrowers can apply for financing of the cost of a plot,a ready built house or the house construction.Just like Housing finance and NHC, the buildings financed through the mortgage loan can be used as dwelling homes rental residential houses,shopping stalls or office blocks.

To find out more,call 0722206331 or 0734899974

If we left any 'mortgage only' financial institution, drop a comment.Thanks.

Juhudi Kilimo - Investing in Farmers, Transforming lives

Juhudi kilimo farmers loans
Juhudi Kilimo is an agribusiness asset based loans lender,technical and finance training provider to the Kenyan smallholder farmers.

The lender moved from providing convectional micro loans to providing asset based loans in order to rescue farmers from sinking deep into the debt pit.The assets provided generate quick income enabling the farmers to pay for their loans within time.Juhudi Kilimo takes care of both crop and animal cultivators.

Through its tremendous initiative in changing smallholder farmers lives,Juhudi Kilimo have received enormous financial support from world financial institutions like;Ford Foundation,Acumen,Kiva,Deutsche Bank,Safaricom,AMSCO,Grameen Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation,SEDF and ResponsAbility,

The assets that the agribusiness lender provides include but not limited to;

Milk pans, chaff cutters and cooling units for dairy production
Irrigation for growing crops
Water tanks
Green houses
Solar devices
Bio gas plants
Posho mills

The kind of animals that Juhudi Kilimo prefer participating farmers to keep include but not limited to;
Dairy Cows

Small scale farmers wishing to join Juhudi kilimo as beneficiaries can contact the nearest center from the table below.

Head QuartersThe Priory Place, 2nd Floor, Argwings Kodhek Road, P O Box 25441-00100, Nairobi0715 446614
Opposite NCPB Bomet

0718 801314


Hibho plaza

0707 798703


Opposite Legacy Hotel

0718 801485


Tabain Plaza, 1st Floor

0703 128771


West Corner next to NCPB depot

0716 708791


Furaha Flats Kenyenya

0716 708821


Ark Plaza, 3rd floor

0716 652426


Next to Machere driving school

0706 920123


Opposite KCB

0706 920123


Umoja Elimu Centre Ist floor room 6 and 7

0718 801507


D- Meinsuria Building

0716 651942


Kapsain Community Centre

0716 708837


Litron Centre Litein

0703 129012


Nehema Plaza, Molo
0703 128693

Nandi Hills

Next to Postbank off Market Street

0716 651913


Next to Ndaragwa dispensary along Nyeri – Nyahururu Highway.

0718 120817


Jasho House, 1st Floor Nkubu

0716 652315


Gideon Mecha Complex, Nyamira

0716 651895


Siongiroi Teachers Housing

0718 801989


Imara plaza hardware building Mezzanine floor

0716 651939

Madison Insurance company, Kenya

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Madison insurance kenya limited

Regulated by the Insurance Regulatory Authority (IRA),Madison Insurance Company Limited is an insurance services provider, that covers Kenyans against general, life and health risks.

The insurer has its origin in kenya and has spread over twenty branches all over the country so as to reach its product consumers.

Insurance products.

General insurance.
Motor vehicle insurance,professional worker insurance, Bima yangu insurance cover,Travel Madison safari sure cover and domestic insurance cover.

Life Insurance.
Bima karo education cover,investment and protection cover,whole life insurance, Annuity and Pension retirement plans, multisure income plan policy and hekima policy.

Health insurance.
Inpatient cover,outpatient cover,Dental and optical cover,last expense cover,maternity cover and excess of loss cover.

Contact Madison insurance for an insurance quote on ;0722203435 or 0733632870 or SMS 20286

JCare,Jubilee Medical Insurance Cover

Jcare medical cover
Jcare Medical Cover is a medical insurance product that Jubilee Insurance Company provides to cater for both individuals and families health risks.

Jcare,is a medical insurance cover that was first intended to cater for inpatient cases initially. Today, the insurer added optional cases that the insured can ask for like personal accident cover benefits, outpatient cover,maternity cover,dental and optical cover and last expense cover.

Jcare is for all.The insurance policy covers individuals and family members of ages between one month to sixty years.

Jcare Premium Charges.
In insurance, the higher the possibility of a risk occurring, the higher the premium cost.The elderly pay more due to the easy in falling sick.How much can one or a family pay as premium for a year?Check the premium rates below;

  1. Inpatient cover- a family will pay between kes500000 and kes5000000 per annum.
  2. Outpatient cover- a person will have to pay between  kes50000 and kes150000 per annum
  3. Maternity cover- a mother will have to pay between kes80000 and kes150000 per year
  4. Dental and Optical cover- a person will pay between kes5000 and kes40000 per annum
  5. Last Expense cover- a person will pay between kes50000 and kes100000 per year.
  6. Personal Accident cover- a person will pay kes500000 per year.
Call Jubilee Insurance Company to get a quote on;0719222111

Tanzanian Bank M finally enters Kenya, CBK approved.

M oriental commercial bank
Oriental bank head of risk,Josiah Onsembe(left) and Jacqueline Woiso,CEO,Bank M(right)
Kenyan commercial banks' regulator, Central Bank of Kenya(CBK) has finally today, approved a license request by Tanzanian Corporate lender,Bank M to operate in the country.The move by Bank M to enter the kenya banking sector was as a result of a 51per cent equity shareholding valued at kes1.3bn that the lender acquired early this year from Oriental Commercial Bank of Kenya.

Read;Tanzanian Bank M buys Oriental Bank of kenya

According to the kenyan business laws,the coming together of the two banks,Oriental and Bank M, will have to register a new name predicted as M Oriental Holdings Limited .In other words, Kenya's Oriental Commercial Bank is now M Oriental Commercial Bank of Kenya.

Bank M is an award winning Tanzanian corporate bank with higher affinity on family owned businesses. According to the bank's management, there are a lot of preparations to be done that will take up to September to become fully operational in kenya.

This is history made.For the first time ,a Tanzanian lender has entered kenya,a top economy in East and Central Africa.Bank M remains the first financial institution from neighbouring Tanzania to be licensed to operate in the country,Kenya.

Welcome to Kenya,Bank M.

Britam - With You Every Step of The Way

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Britam insurance kenya premiums
Britam is a financial services group serving the East,Central and Southern Africa regions.Britam however, is largely know as an insurance company offering life,health,pensions,micro insurance and retirement planning policies to individuals ,companies and corporates.

Insurance Policies.

Life insurance- the insurer provides; education insurance dubbed 'elimu bora' insurance,Fariji insurance, msingi poa,whole life insurance,group life insurance,credit life insurance and mortgage protection among others.

General Insurance-Britam offers; personal accident insurance, household insurance, property insurance, fore and perils insurance, travel insurance, motor vehicle insurance, equimed health insurance, sport insurance, Marine insurance and political violence and terrorism cover among others.

Pensions- the insurance company provodes; individual pension plan,pension annuity, platinum drawdown, Group schemes and umbrella retirement fund.

Britam General Insurance Elgon Road, Upper Hill.
Ph: (254)0703 094000,
Email: info@britam.com
Britam MicroInsurance 5th floor Junction of Kenyatta Avenue & Koinange Street 
Ph: (020) 2218533/4 ,
(020) 2218533/4 
Email: microinsurancesales@britam.com
Britam, Head Office Mara/Ragati Road Junction, Upperhill
Ph: (254)703094000,
Email: info@britam.com
Britam, Ambank House Utalii lane, off University Way, Nairobi
Ph: (254) 703 094 001,
(020) 2833001
Email: nrb1@britam.com
Britam, Soin Arcade Westlands Road, Nairobi
Ph: (254) 703 094 003,
(020) 2833003
Email: westlands@britam.com
Britam, Timau Plaza Argwings Kodhek Road, Hurlingham
Ph: (254)703 094 004,
Email: nrb4@britam.com
Britam MicroInsurance 5th floor Junction of Kenyatta Avenue & Koinange Street 
Ph: (020) 2218533/4 ,
(020) 2218533/4 
Email: microinsurancesales@britam.com
Britam, Phoenix House Kenyatta Avenue, Nairobi
Ph: (25)4 703 094 005,
(020) 2833005
Email: nrb5@britam.com
Britam, Barclays Plaza Market Street, off Loita Street, Nairobi
Ph: (254) 703 094 002,
(020) 2833002
Email: nrb3@britam.com

Housing Finance - Turning Dreams into Homes

Housing finance group mortgages
Housing Finance (HF)is the country's largest mortgage finance provider.Housing finance kenya ,now Housing Finance group provides home loan solutions to individuals,SMEs and Corporates in kenya.HF group consists of other subsidiaries including; HF Insurance Agency, HF Development and Investment and Housing Finance Foundation.

Loan Products.
The lender provide mostly house loan solutions.There are other credit solutions those catering for business and individual credit needs.

  • Mortgages include; makao,home owners mortgages, cyclical mortgages, Vuna Hela,home freedom mortgages, employer's sponsored schemes, cell mortgage and ezesha mortgage.
  • Project Financing; for example ,property improvements, single dwelling development and multi dwelling development.
  • Other loan products include;asset finance, SME business loan,unsecured loan,microcredit loan and sola pawa.
Housing finance can be reached at through;

  • 0722715256
  • 0722708660
  • 0722201175
  • 0733617682

ABC Bank - African Banking Corporation

Abc African banking corporation loans kenya
African Banking Corporation, abbreviated as ABC bank is one of the middle sized Kenyan native bank under the CBK regulations.The lender is a sister company to ABC Capital and ABC Insurance all under the ABC Group.

ABC bank provide banking and finance services to SMEs ,Corporates and individuals both in Kenyan and the diaspora.Customers enjoy mobile banking services,money transfer services ,forex services, Internet banking services and credit services.

The bank provide lending services to all its clients including non account holders.Loan facilities include;

  • Term loans- secured and unsecured short and long term loans.
  • Overdrafts.
  • Asset finance.
  • Trade finance.
  • Supply chain financing-invoice discounting, bank guarantees& letters of credits.
  • Mortgages-normal residential home loan,construction loan & land purchasing.
To find out more,contact ABC bank on ;0701700700

Energy loan products and financiers in kenya

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Energy loans in kenya
Energy loans are credit arrangements by lenders and or energy solution companies to offer energy equipments to Kenyans .The energy solutions can be provision of  improvised cooking stoves,biogas,solar lighting systems or connection to electricity lines.

In Kenya, majority of the citizens live in the rural areas where these energy assets are commonly scarce or absolutely absent.As Loans Kenya,we have listed some of the companies that can give energy loans.See if you can get help from them.

Equity Bank
The Equity bank provide the following energy credit solutions;

  • Stima  loan- in partnership with Kenya Power and Lighting Corporation (KPLC),the bank gives loans to clients looking for electricity connection.
  • Jikokoa loan- in partnership with Burn Manufacturing, the lender gives loans to enable customers to get the improvised cooking stoves dubbed 'jikokoa'.
  • Hashi Gas Financing- The bank gives loans to enable its clients get Hash Gas cylinders.
  • Chloride Exide Battery - in partnership with Chloride Exude,Equity bank give a credit plan to enable customers to get car batteries.
  • Orb Energy loans- the bank in partnership with Orb Energy enables borrowers to get solar panels and heaters on credit.
Safaricom in partnership with M-kopa Solar,gives out Solar kits on credit.Payments is done through the phone in form of m-pesa.The latest m-kopa solar kit is the M-kopa solar 4.

Zawadisha gives out solar lamps and modern cooking stoves on credit.

TakaMoto Boigas.
They provide biogas solutions on credit. Call them on 0738689788.

The Kenya Women Finance Trust MFB provides three energy loan facilities. They include ;Stima Loan,LPG Gas loan and Biogas loan.

Jamii Bora Bank
Jamii Bora MFB provide Stima Loan.

PowerGen Renewable Energy.
This energy company provide solar panels and batteries on credit arrangements.

MicroEnergy credits.
Through the Equity bank,MicroEnergy credits provide solar panels ,water heaters and modern cooking stoves on credit terms.

Eco Zoom.
This energy company provides portable wood burning rocket stoves on credit arrangements.

One Degree Solar.
One Degree Solar provide solar panels on credit terms.Reach them on 0725988021 or send a free SMS to 20181.

Barefoot power.
Barefoot power gives solar kits on credit.

Housing finance .
Housing finance kenya provide solar heaters on credit .

The list is not exhausted. If we left out any ,give us the name.

SMEs and Women set to access more loans from Equity Bank

Equity banks james mwangi
Its good news to the Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and Women as Equity Bank announced a plan to channel more loans to them this year.The move came in as a result of the ksh10billion funding that the Equity Bank Group received from the World Bank's private lending wing,International Finance Corporation (IFC).

The bank's group manager,James Mwangi, confirmed the funding from IFC and and pointed out that ,the money will enable the lender to provide enough funding to the SMEs and Women ,keeping them abreast among other market lenders in kenya.The bank which already has a good history in helping SMEs ,women and Youths grow economically,will most probably provide the funding through its existing credit packages like 'Fanikisha Loans' for the women.

Credit Bank Limited - My Friend, My Bank

Friday, June 10, 2016

Credit bank kenya loans
Credit Bank Limited is a savings and lending banking services provider in kenya licensed by the Central Bank of Kenya (CBK).Through its subsidiary 'Bancassurance', the lender also provide insurance solutions to the Kenyan population.

Credit Solutions
Credit bank provide; Asset financing solutions,Trade finance and Term loans to both individuals and businesses in Kenya. Term loans are tailor made short & long term loans and include; personal loans,business loans and salary advances.

Insurance Policies
Through Bancassurance, Credit Bank provides the following insurance solutions;

  • Motor insurance(private/public/commercial)
  • Motorcycle insurance
  • Fire and perils insurance
  • Burglary policy cover
  • Domestic insurance policy
  • Goods in transit policy cover
  • Insured debit card
  • All risk insurance.

Credit Bank Contacts.
If you wish to contact Credit Bank offices, call;

  • 0709 702 000
  • 0738 222 300

Who gives Insurance Premium Loans in Kenya

Insurance premium loan givers kenya
Insurance Premium Finance Loan is new credit facility that was developed by lenders in partnership with insurance companies in kenya to easy payment of insurance premiums by policy holders.

This credit facility allows a lender to pay an insurer on behalf of an insured person or business, the insurance premium in a lump sum for a given period of time.The insured will then pay the lender all the premium amount plus the interest accrued when the agreement is due.The insurer takes back all the premium amount to the lender when the insured defaults in loan repayment. The insurance premium serves as security for the insurance premium loan.

In Kenya,who can give out insurance premium loans? We have lenders and insurers who can give out insurance premium loans to their clients.We have listed the following, though the list is not exhausted;

Commercial Banks.

  • I&M Bank
  • National Bank of Kenya
  • NIC Bank
  • Commercial Bank of Africa(CBA) Bank
  • Diamond Trust Bank (DTB)
  • Cooperative Bank of Kenya
  • Giro Bank
  • Family Bank of Kenya
  • Chase Bank of Kenya
  • CFC Stanbic Bank
  • Consolidated Bank
  • Guardian Bank
  • First Community Bank
  • Equity Bank
  • Credit Bank 
  • Prime Bank
  • Fidelity Commercial Bank
Microfinance Banks

  • Fit-Xpress limited
  • Caritas MFB
  • AAR Credit
  • Faulu Kenya
  • Springboard Capital Limited

Insurance Companies.

  • Eagle Africa Insurance Brokers
  • Pacific Insurance Group
  • Heritage Insurance
  • APA Insurance
For more details about the above lenders and insurers,please check our lenders and insurers pages respectively.

Fit-Xpress Kenya Limited

Fit-xpress loans and insurance
Fit-Xpress Limited is a broad spectrum financial company in Nairobi Kenya found inside the Nakumatt Mega.It provides a wide range of financial solutions including loans,real estate services,travel services and insurance covers.As Loans Kenya Blog,we are going to focus on the loans and insurance services the institution is providing.

Loan Products.
Fit-Xpress is ideal for quick, short term loans to nairobians.The lender has a short loan processing period and provide the following loan packages;

  • Car logbook loans
  • Insurance Premium finance loans
  • Asset finance loans.
Insurance packages.
Fit-Xpress covers both individuals and business against a wide range of situations. The insurer provide the following insurance covers;

  • Motor protect
  • Home protect
  • Life protect
  • Travel protect
  • Income protect
  • Business protect
  • Pet protect
  • Funeral protect
  • Pension protect
  • Sports protect 
  • Health protect

Fit-Xpress is located inside Nakumatt Mega, along Uhuru Highway in Nairobi.

Treasury plans funding mortgages through sacco loans

Thursday, June 9, 2016

House loans form Sacco's kenya
Mr Rotich,the Finance PS,announced yesterday during the kes2.3 Trillion budget briefing, that the Treasury has a plan to create a multi billion lending base for Sacco's to access cheap funding in order to spur house development this financial year.

The move was as a result of the increased housing units gap at a deficit of 150000 housing units each year.In partnership with multilateral lenders ,the Treasury will avail home loans to developed at a corporate rate of 20 percent with other taxes and levies zero rated.

The Treasury also plans to provide low cost housvloans to low income earners through their Sacco's.Treasury will ensure the repayment period get elongated up to a high of 15 years after which a borrower clears the loan in full.

There are no specificity saacos named to have permission to participate in the program.We hope and assume that all Sacco's will have equal opportunity to ask for a stake from treasury when the plan will be ripe.However,there's no specific date set for the program.Its within the whole financial year.

Tanzanian Bank M enters Kenyan Market

Bank m oriental kenya

Bank M,a Tanzanian corporate banking service provider will soon set foot into the Kenyan banking and finance market when it will receive a go ahead from the Kenyan commercial banks' regulator, CBK after applying for a license early this month.

During a press briefing last week,Bank M's boss,Jacqueline Woiso ,described the path to Kenyan market as through Oriental Bank of kenya.The Oriental Bank sold equity rights shares to the Tanzanian lender amounting to kes 1.3billion, eventually granting Bank M a 51percent ownership for the bank.In other words Oriental Bank of Kenya is now Bank M kenya.

In financial service delivery,Bank M is among the best commercial banks in Tanzania.In its speciality,the lender is among the top performers in SMEs financing.

Bank M is a Corporate and Investment Bank.It deals with businesses, mostly run by families. They finance family owned enterprises and help in managements up to a point of success.

Welcome to Kenya,Bank M.

Fast Cash Loans Around Nairobi,Kenya

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Fast cash loans nairobi
Kes1000 notes
Where can I get fast cash loans in Nairobi?Who can give quick loans in Nairobi city?These are some of the questions we receive from our blog visitors every now and then.We came up with a list of the fast personal loan lenders based in the city.These financial service providers give out loans within minutes or just within hours.The list is just a random one.To find out more details about these lenders and others visit our Lenders Page .For those who like to apply for loans using their mobile phone,read Mobile loans in kenya.

Fairdeal for Cash.
Fairdeal for cash give out loans against items or goods as collateral.It gives loans of up to 60% the value of the item presented.Contact them on;0722169168 or 0736161339

Odyssey Capital.
This lender gives out quick loans for various purposes for example, school fees and loans to purchase mobile phones.Contact this financier on;0791510501

Mombo Investment Limited.
Mombo investment gives out salary advances and personal asset loans popularly loans against goods.They also give car logbook loans.Contact office through; 0706503230

Real People EA.
Real People is a non deposit taking micro lender.Its a financial services company that lends quick cash to both individuals and businesses. Real People targets mostly civil servants looking for emergency loans.Contacts ;0732168200

Platinum Credit Kenya.
Platinum Credit provide quick loans mostly to civil servants but they also give credit services to other kenyans.The loan applications are processed within 24 hours.They give asset financing services and loans against logbooks.Platinum Credit can be contacted through;07099009000

Kopa Loan Na Bonga Points.
This is a new era lending services provider.The lender gives loans against your safaricom bongs points as security.You present bonga points ,you walk away with cash on the spot.Contact this lender on;0724025633

Meridian Acceptances.
Meridian Acceptances specialises in giving out loans against logbooks. The lender gives out cash up to 50% the value of your vehicle. Call Meridian Acceptances on;0704444888

Sasa Credit
Sasa Credit is a new kid on the bloc.The lender mostly accepts loan applications submitted online.They are quick to respond and deliver cash within hours.Call Sasa Credit through;0708401555

Izwe Loans.
Just like Platinum Credit and Real People, Izwe Loans is a non deposit taking micro financier.The lender specialises in lending services only mostly target civil servants but also some other categories of employees.Call Izwe Loans on;0729400600 or 0734400600

Samchi disburse loans within 24hours.The lender gives out short term loans and loans against logbooks.Samchi prefers mostly people who do business.Contact Samchi on ;0708777770

There are still other fast emergency loan providers in Nairobi.Check the above lenders fast and see if you will not get the financial help you wanted.Mentioning other fast cash givers we overlooked, will be appreciated.Thanks.


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