The lender moved from providing convectional micro loans to providing asset based loans in order to rescue farmers from sinking deep into the debt pit.The assets provided generate quick income enabling the farmers to pay for their loans within time.Juhudi Kilimo takes care of both crop and animal cultivators.
Through its tremendous initiative in changing smallholder farmers lives,Juhudi Kilimo have received enormous financial support from world financial institutions like;Ford Foundation,Acumen,Kiva,Deutsche Bank,Safaricom,AMSCO,Grameen Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation,SEDF and ResponsAbility,
The assets that the agribusiness lender provides include but not limited to;
FARMING EQUIPMENT Milk pans, chaff cutters and cooling units for dairy production Irrigation for growing crops Water tanks Green houses Solar devices Bio gas plants Posho mills Tractors Motorcycles Bicycles Trucks |
The kind of animals that Juhudi Kilimo prefer participating farmers to keep include but not limited to;
Dairy Cows
Small scale farmers wishing to join Juhudi kilimo as beneficiaries can contact the nearest center from the table below.
Branch | Address | Contact |
Head Quarters | The Priory Place, 2nd Floor, Argwings Kodhek Road, P O Box 25441-00100, Nairobi | 0715 446614 |
Bomet | Opposite NCPB Bomet | 0718 801314 |
Bungoma | Hibho plaza | 0707 798703 |
Chuka | Opposite Legacy Hotel | 0718 801485 |
Eldoret | Tabain Plaza, 1st Floor | 0703 128771 |
Kapsowar | West Corner next to NCPB depot | 0716 708791 |
Kenyenya | Furaha Flats Kenyenya | 0716 708821 |
Kericho | Ark Plaza, 3rd floor | 0716 652426 |
Kerugoya | Next to Machere driving school | 0706 920123 |
Kilgoris | Opposite KCB | 0706 920123 |
Kisii | Umoja Elimu Centre Ist floor room 6 and 7 | 0718 801507 |
Kitale | D- Meinsuria Building | 0716 651942 |
Lelan | Kapsain Community Centre | 0716 708837 |
Litein | Litron Centre Litein | 0703 129012 |
Molo | Nehema Plaza, Molo | 0703 128693 |
Nandi Hills | Next to Postbank off Market Street | 0716 651913 |
Ndaragwa | Next to Ndaragwa dispensary along Nyeri – Nyahururu Highway. | 0718 120817 |
Nkubu | Jasho House, 1st Floor Nkubu | 0716 652315 |
Nyamira | Gideon Mecha Complex, Nyamira | 0716 651895 |
Siongiroi | Siongiroi Teachers Housing | 0718 801989 |
Thika | Imara plaza hardware building Mezzanine floor | 0716 651939 |
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